Storage levels represent total water impounded by each facility less any dead storage (reservoir capacity from which stored water cannot be evacuated by gravity).
Data are updated once a day. Due to timing of data reporting, dates of values displayed may differ slightly between facilities.
Percent of typical storage is based on historical data for the period between 10/1/1990 and 9/30/2020 for the corresponding date the storage value is reported.  This metric provides context for comparing current conditions with historical conditions for a given date. 

NOTE: Changes in facility operations over the historic period may impact the comparability of some current conditions values with historical data.

Addressing Drought Across the West
Flagged Reservoirs

Teacup Diagram

Click on a reservoir on the map to see a teacup diagram showing current and historical storage information.

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Current Storage


  Flagged=Lowest Observed Storage for time period


Select a reservoir from the list above to see its details.