Drought Dashboard: Average Drought Duration (Years) Projected to Increase

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Comparing droughts in the past to future droughts


Compare drought duration (years) in the Historical Period (1473–2005) using tree-ring reconstructions and stream gage information and future droughts using climate change scenarios. 


To get started: 

Select a Scenario, Major Reclamation River Basin or State to filter.


Click on the map for detailed information.

Search for a specific location or zoom in by scrolling.


Note: The data on the map and indicators will change based on your selections across different scenarios.

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This dashboard is an interactive tool used to explore drought duration climate models highlighted within the 2021 SECURE Water Act Report

Map Legend

What's Being Displayed

Drought Duration (years) is displayed on the map for the selected Scenarios. As your selections change, the information below will update to show the average, minimum, and maximum drought durations averaged across the area in view.


Takeaway: Droughts under the Historical Period last an average of 1 to 4 years. In the future, droughts are projected to last longer under both the Lower (RCP 4.5) and Higher (RCP 8.5) Scenarios.

Scenario Comparison

Compare drought duration over the Historical Period (1473-2005) with the Lower (RCP 4.5) and Higher (RCP 8.5) climate change scenarios that vary based on greenhouse gas concentrations. View results below.

Historical Period


Avg Duration (years)

Lower Scenario

(RCP 4.5)

Avg Duration (years)

Higher Scenario

(RCP 8.5)

Avg Duration (years)
